Rotate Along Z Axis Autocad
GLOSSARY OF JOIST AND STRUCTURAL TERMSABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZReturn to Table of ContentsAASHTO American Association of State Highway. Transportation OfficialsA regulatory organization which governs the design and specifications of. Accessories. Are extra items that can be furnished in addition to the base joist or. They include headers, top chord extensions, extended ends. ADLAbbrevation for After Dead Load is Applied. Aesthetic. Having the sense of beauty or pleasing to the eye. Rotate Along Z Axis Autocad TutorialRotate Along Z Axis Autocad For MacAFFAbbrevation for Above Finish Floor. AGA American Galvanizers AssociationA non profit association representing the post fabrication hot dip. AGCA Associated General Contractors of. AmericaIs a national trade organization of qualified construction contractors and. The AGCA is the voice of the construction industry and is dedicated to. AIA American Institute of ArchitectsAn organization to unite in fellowship the members of the architectural. United States. AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. Is a non profit technical specifying and trade organization for the. United States. It was founded. Chicago. One of their best known. Manual of Steel Construction. AISE Association of Iron and Steel EngineersAbbreviation. AISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAn institute to promote the interests of the iron and steel industry. Alignment Chart for Columns. A nomograph for estimating the effective length factor, K, of columns. Note that the chart is based upon assumptions of. Amplitude. A measure of floor vibration. Harness the power of custom programming to increase your AutoCAD productivity. It is the magnitude or total distance. Amplification Factor. A multiplier of the value of moment or deflection in the unbraced. Anchor Bolt. A long L shaped bolt which is set in concrete and used to anchor. Anchor Bolt Plan. FAE0BD4AE1C5ED82?v=1.0' alt='Rotate Along Z Axis Autocad Training' title='Rotate Along Z Axis Autocad Training' />A plan view showing the size, location, and projection of all anchor. Anchorage. The process of fastening a joist or joist girder to a masonry, concrete. Angle. A hot rolled shape called an Angle with symbol L. Angle Unit. A member used as a joist substitute which is intended for use at very. They are usually used for short spans in skewed bays, over corridors. It can be made up of two or four angles to form channel. Work faster and more efficiently by using the Revit Keyboard Shortcuts below. You can find a downloadable list of shortcuts and commands in the Revit Keyboard. Tube and channel sections are also used. See Joist Substitute. ANSI American National Standards InstituteA nonprofit organization which promotes the use of U. S. standards. internationally. Apex. The highest point on a joist or joist girder where the sloped chords. See also Peak. Approval Plans. Plans sent by the joist manufacturer to the buyer, engineer, architect. The plans may include a framing. Area. Unit of measure of length times width expressed in square inches. Arched Joist. A non standard type of joist where both the top chord and bottom chord. Architect. A person who designs buildings or other structures and has completed. ASCE American Society of Civil EngineersFounded in 1. United States. It is dedicated to the advancement of the. ASD Allowable Stress DesignA structural design method whereby a structural element is designed. See Working Stress Design. Elastic Design. Aspect Ratio. For any rectangular configuration, the ratio of the lengths of the. ASTM American Society for Testing and. MaterialsAn organization which has developed over 1. Atrium. An opening or skylighted lobby through two or more floor levels. Auto. CADThe worlds most popular computer aided drafting software product for. DOS and windows by Autodesk, Inc. Anything that can be drawn on a drawing board can be drawn by Auto. CAD. Automatic Welding. A welding procedure using a machine to make a weld. Auxiliary Load. Any dynamic live loads such as cranes, monorails, and material. Duy Plugins Pc. AWI American Welding InstituteAn organization established in 1. AWS American Welding SocietyA non profit organization whose major goal is to advance the science. Axial Force. A force tending to elongate or shorten a member. Axial Compression. An axial force causing compression in a member. Axial Load. A load whose line of action passes through the centroid of the. Axial Strut Load. A structural member designed to transfer a axial tension or compression. Axial Tension. An axial force causing tension in a member. Return to GlossaryBacking Bar. A welding aid used to prevent melting through of a joint when preforming. Balcony. An elevated platform or seating space of an assembly room projecting. Ballast Roof. A roof which has selected material, such as crushed stone, placed on. Bar. A square or round piece of solid steel which is usually 6 inches or less. Base Metal. The metal to be welded or cut. Base Plate. A steel plate welded to the base of a column which distributes the. Basement. Any floor below the first story in a building. Batten. A small piece of angle or plate welded to the heels of a two angle. Bay. The distance between the main frames of a building. Base Ply. Is one layer of felt fastened to the deck over which a built up. BBC Basic Building CodeA minimum model regulatory code for the protection of. Beam. A structural member, usually horizontal, whose main function is to carry. These loads usually cause. Some types of beams are simple, continuous. Beam Column. A structural member whose main function is to carry loads both parallel. Bearing. 1 The distance that the bearing shoe or seat of a joist or joist girder. A structural. support, usually a beam or wall, that is designed by the specifying. Bearing Plate. The steel plate used for a joist or joist girder to bear on when they. This plate transfers. Bearing Wall. A wall which is supporting any vertical loads i. Bending Moment. The condition in the analysis of the internal stresses across. Bending Stress. Is zero at the neutral axis and assumed to increase linearly to a. Formula in the elastic range Bending stress in psiM cI, where. M is the bending moment at the section in in lbs, I is the moment of. Bent. The plane of beam or joist girder members which support loads and the. Bevel Cut. A single cut made at an angle to the member length. See Miter Cut. BG Type Joist Girder. A type of Joist Girder where joists are located at all panel points. Biaxial Bending. Bending of a structural member about two perpendicular axes at the. Bifurcation. The phenomenon whereby a perfectly straight member may either assume. Bill of Lading. A list that gives each part or mark number, quantity, length of. The receiver compares each item on this. See also. Bill of Materials. A list of items or components used for fabrication and accounting. See Cut List. Blasting. A method of cleaning or of roughening a surface by a forceable. Blue Print. Also called a blue line. Is a copy of an architectural or other. BOCA Building Officials and Code. Administrators International, Inc. A minimum model regulatory code for the protection of. Its serves primarily the North Central and Northeast United States. Bolted Splice. The connection between two structural members joined at their ends by. Bond Beam. The top course of block of a masonry wall filled with concrete and. Bottom Bearing. A bearing condition where the joist or joist girder bears on its bottom. Bottom Chord. The bottom members of a joist or joist girder. Bottom Chord Extension BCXThe two angle extended part of a joist bottom chord from the first. Bottom Chord Strut. A bottom chord of a joist or joist girder designed to transfer a axial. Boundary Condition. An idealization to model how a structure is attached to its external. Bow String Joist. A non standard type of joist where the top chord is curved and the.